Major Die Breaks

On the following pages you will find all known (to me) major die breaks on British coins. They are listed with denomination first, followed by year and finally their designation number. The combination of these three indicators creates a unique identification number. Die cracks and die chips are not included but split dies are.

Pictured is £2-2000-1Ra. The first two labels, £2 and 2000, are hopefully self-explanatory. The third number, 1Ra, means that this is the first major die break listed for 2000 £2 coins. The "R" indicates that the break in on the reverse. The absence of an "R" means that it is on the obverse. "O" is not used because it is easily confused with a zero. The "a" indicates the stage. Major die breaks can grow but it may be clear that it is an earlier or later stage of a known die break. The stage indicator will not change if an earlier stage is found as it will only cause labelling confusion.

Denomination Labels